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October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Australia, and ACCIONA’s Waubra Wind Farm is showing their support by lighting one of their turbines pink.

As the sun goes down, turbine 3B6 on top of Quoin Hill takes on a pink hue, and by nightfall the colourful turbine can be seen from the Sunraysia Highway.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) and whilst survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis, prevention is better than cure.
Cameron Stowe, Waubra Wind Farm’s Site Manager, said that “the whole site team threw their support behind the McGrath Foundation’s Pink Up Your Town program. For many people, this is the first time that they would have seen the turbines spinning against the backdrop of the night’s sky, and we think the result is very effective.”
The Pink Up Your Town initiative, now in its third year, encourages communities around Australia to come together with local clubs, businesses and schools to plan pink events and show support for people experiencing breast cancer.
ACCIONA is just one of the local businesses within the Waubra and Learmonth area supporting the program, with a goal to raise $1,000. Other activities that have been conducted as part of the initiative include;
- Pink Bowls Day
- Last Lady Standing
- Family Fun Day and Movie Night
- Historical Society Open Day
- Avoca Race Day Cocktail Brunch
Donations can be made online at https://fundraise.mcgrathfoundation.com.au/fundraisers/pinkuplearmonth
Further information about ACCIONA’s Waubra Wind Farm can be found at
For more information, contact Emma Reiners
0420 643 447
ACCIONA is a global group that develops and operates sustainable infrastructure, particularly renewable energy. The group’s expertise covers the entire value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. ACCIONA aims to lead the transition to a low-carbon economy by placing its technical excellence and innovation at the service of all projects in order to design a better planet. Present in more than 45 countries, with sales totaling €7.51 billion in 2018, the company is committed to making a positive social and economic contribution in the communities where it operates. www.acciona.com
ACCIONA Australia
ACCIONA began operating in Australia in 2002, building its business to become an industry leader in renewable energy, infrastructure, construction and water. The company has successfully delivered large-scale projects including new and upgraded road and rail infrastructure, tunnels, bridges, desalination and water treatment plants, as well as wind and solar farms.
ACCIONA is a significant contributor to the Australian economy, with equity positions in several projects and a major investment in Geotech, a leading infrastructure and construction company. ACCIONA employs around 1,000 staff in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, as well as regional locations, and continually invests in Australian skills and jobs.