- Australia
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- Global Power Generation, which plans to build 79 wind turbines at Berrybank, east of Lismore, is to contribute $1.5 million to Corangamite Shire Council for 13 community projects to show its merit as a good community member.
- However Acciona, which plans to start building its $228 million wind farm at Mortlake South next month, is taking a more direct method to put it in good standing with surrounding residents.

It has invited nearby residents within a four kilometre radious of its turbines to apply for gift cards under its Neighbourhood Benefit Program
Neighbours living within 1-2 kilometres of one of its turbines can get a $2000 gift card, those living within 2-3kms get a $1000 gift card and those 3-4 kms away a $500 gift card. The cards will be issued annually to eligible residents for 10 years.
To help the money benefit local businesses, the gift cards can be used to buy goods and services at participating businesses in the Mortlake, Noorat and Terang areas.
Acciona’s 35-turbine wind farm is to be built about five kilometres south of Mortlake.
Acciona’s Neighbourhood Benefit Program is on top of its Small Grants/Sponsorship Program that each year has a $20,000 pool to allocate to selected community organisations and not for profit groups.
An Acciona spokesperson said the rollout of its shared benefits program was underway, and applications for the small grants and neighbourhood benefits programs would open soon.
The spokesperson said it was planning to start construction at the Mortlake South wind farm in early February, focusing on early civil works first.
“As construction progresses over the coming months, we expect to have over 100 people on site per day.
“We are also seeking to employ various local subcontractors, in line with our commitment to make as much use as possible of local skills.”
The spokesperson said Acciona was still exploring options on how it would connect the wind farm to the national electricity grid and was moving closer to a final decision.
“Construction should be complete by mid-2020,” the spokesperson said.
Article by The Standard: https://t.co/czF0lUj8v5