On Thursday September 14th, approximately 40 members of our dedicated team at ACCIONA Energía’s Melbourne office embarked on a journey to Colac for an active day of tree planting.

This endeavour resonates profoundly with ACCIONA Energía's Sustainability Master Plan for 2025 and commitment to our Planet Positive initiative. 

As part ACCIONA Energía's global mission to plant one million trees, we will contribute locally by planting more than 10,000 trees annually over the course of five years in Australia. The Central Otway Landcare Network (COLN) plays a pivotal role in facilitating this ambitious endeavour.

The event was supported by local businesses and organisations, including the Lake View Cafe in Colac, and the Colac Rotary Club who produced lunch for the group of employees. 

Andy Gray, Landcare Facilitator at COLN, and his team shared valuable insights into the intricate ecosystem necessary for establishing a sustainable habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife. There was also the opportunity to tap into the knowledge and wisdom that guides biodiversity projects. What made this day particularly memorable was witnessing the landcare team's dedication, which extends beyond merely achieving a numerical target of 'number of trees planted' but takes into account the local flora and fauna, native vegetation and the changing climate. The trees were planted near the Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm which added to the significance of the day. In total the team planted a few hundred trees together. 

One attendee, Alberto Carralero Moya, Operations & Reporting Controller, said "I think this is a positive event where employees can get to know about some of the initiatives that the company is involved in."

A massive well done and thank you to those who attended.