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- In line with our SMP2025 and commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, ACCIONA released an industry-leading update to our Parental Leave Policy, which came into effect from 1 July 2022.
These changes include:
- Replacement of Primary and Secondary Carer’s Leave with Parental Leave. Parental Leave will provide all parents of a newborn or newly adopted child with twelve (12) weeks of paid leave (including superannuation). This leave can be taken anytime within 12 months of the child’s birth or adoption.
- Continuation of the additional four (4) weeks of paid Re-entry Work Assistance Leave to Primary Carers to support their return to work.
- Pregnant employees with less than 12 months of ACCIONA service are now provided access to a number of existing Parental Leave benefits, such as a 6-hour working day from the 26th week of pregnancy at full pay, parking spaces, and business class flights. (Note that paid Parental Leave and Re-entry Work Assistance are accessible to employees after 12 months of service.)
- ACCIONA will provide an annual reimbursement of up to A$300 per family, for ACCIONA families with a child aged 0-5yrs in a recognised childcare establishment.
- ACCIONA will loan/advance payment up to 3 months’ pay for childcare-related special cases.
- ACCIONA will support part-time working (at full pay) for parents with newborns who have a serious illness for up to 12 months.
- Employees who suffer the loss of a baby through stillbirth will be entitled to up to 12 weeks of paid Parental Leave.
- Employees who do not have 12 months of service will now be entitled to take unpaid parental leave.
Access to paid parental leave has significant health and well-being benefits for families and the community. ACCIONA also hopes that by making these policy changes, they will encourage more men to take parental leave and lead change in the construction industry. Taking parental leave supports the health and well-being of families. Research shows that when men take parental leave, households establish a more equitable division of unpaid work and care. This shift in societal attitudes is the root of achieving gender equity.