ACCIONA invites small grant applications from community groups and organisations who wish to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which we operate. The annual small grants program enables community organisations and not for profit groups to have the opportunity to apply for grant funding to support their events and projects through this application process.

ACCIONA’s focus is on supporting initiatives that contribute to health, education, sustainability,  conservation, and cultural development -  projects and events must align with ACCIONA’s eligibility requirements.

Applications for funding must align with the ACCIONA Social Action Plan, thus they must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Enhance education, healthcare or cultural development
  • Promote sustainability, the environment & conservation
  • Promote, provide or support the provision of basic energy & water services
  • Actively contribute to driving and improving the socio-economic system of the communities where ACCIONA operates

Supporting Communities

We are proud to invest in the local communities where we operate

Selection and Evaluation

An assessment of the applications received will be undertaken by ACCIONA’s Community and Stakeholder Team, alongside the relevant Project/Site Manager. However, in the case of Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm, an advisory committee is in place to review all small grant applications. Where ACCIONA cannot meet the amount of funding requested, applicants may be awarded a portion of their funding request. This will only be undertaken if it is understood that the project/event can proceed without ACCIONA’s full support.

All unsuccessful applicants will be sent an email in a timely manner. ACCIONA will aim to ensure that all applicants are notified of outcomes by the end of April.


Payment Terms

For successful small grant recipients ACCIONA will request an invoice alongside the completion of the ‘Supplier Information Form’. This information will be provided to the Finance team, so that payments can be made. For all new recipients, organisations/individuals will be required to complete the “new supplier” registration process, as coordinated by the finance team. This includes providing proof of bank account details, either in the form of a bank statement header, or blank deposit slip. This must be provided over email and forwarded to the finance team by the relevant Community and Stakeholder team member.

Our projects that offer sponsorship funding

MacIntyre Wind Farm

In 2024, ACCIONA Energía awarded over $114,000 to 35 local community groups and organisations who wish to contribute to the sustainable development of their community. This is an annual sponsorship of local community groups and not for profits, determined through an application process that is open from January-March each year.

Our projects that offer sponsorship funding

Mortlake South Wind Farm

The Sponsorship & Small Grants Program at the Mortlake South Wind Farm was established in 2010 and the call for applications runs from January to March every year. In 2024, ACCIONA Energía provided a total of $50,000 to community groups whose projects and initiatives will contribute to health, education, sustainable development, or cultural development in Mortlake and the local area. ACCIONA Energía were proud to be able to support 18 local community groups and organisations in 2024, across an exciting range of projects and events.

Our projects that offer sponsorship funding

Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm

Sponsorship funding at the Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm is awarded through the Shared Benefits Program. Recipients are selected in collaboration with a Committee of local community representatives. The Program commenced in 2012 and calls for applications runs from January to March every year. More than $75,000 has been awarded to local community groups in support of their projects and initiatives so far in 2024. ACCIONA were proud to be able to support 25 local community groups and organisations in 2024, across an exciting range of projects and events.

Our projects that offer sponsorship funding

Waubra Wind Farm

Since the programs were launched in 2009, ACCIONA has awarded more than $1.5 million to community groups, sporting clubs, not for profits, and schools in Waubra and the local area through our Sponsorship Program and Community Benefit Fund. The application window for the Sponsorship Program at Waubra Wind Farm runs from January to March every year, and in 2024 more than $28,000 has been awarded to groups and organisations who applied for funding. ACCIONA were proud to be able to support 7 local community groups and organisations in 2024, across an exciting range of projects and events.

Our projects that offer sponsorship funding

Gunning Wind Farm

At ACCIONA Energía's Gunning Wind Farm, a Community Benefit Fund and Sponsorship Program have been in place since 2011. In 2024, ACCIONA Energía provided $18,500 in financial support to community groups in Gunning through our sponsorship program. Applications for the annual Sponsorship Program run from January to March every year, and we welcome applications from community groups whose events and initiatives meet our eligibility criteria. ACCIONA Energía were proud to be able to support 4 local community groups and organisations in 2024, across an exciting range of projects and events.